Lokalisering Comté non-métropolitain North Yorkshire : Land Storbritannien, Nation England.
Stora städer : Harrogate, Scarborough, Selby, Redcar, Ripon, Appletreewick, West Witton, Whashton, Acklam, Aislaby, Allerston, Amotherby, Ampleforth, Appleton-le-Moors, Appleton-le-Street with Easthorpe, West Layton, Barton-le-Street, Barton-le-Willows, Barugh (Great and Little), Beadlam, Birdsall, Bransdale, Brawby, Bulmer, Burythorpe, West Scrafton, Wensley, West Hauxwell, Spennithorne, Patrick Brompton, Preston-under-Scar, Ravensworth, Redmire, Reeth, Fremington and Healaugh, Richmond, Scorton, Skeeby, St Martin's, Byland with Wass och Stainton.
Tillgänglig information : Invånarantal, Yta, Höjd ö.h. och Klimat.